HowTo? - Add Your Name to a Comment

2025 Update - Commenting has been Deprecated!

As part of the upgrade from Joomla 4 to Joomla 5 - the ability to add comments on the site had to be disabled as the commenting engine does not work in the new version of Joomla.

The website has been structured to be interactive. This means that you are encouraged to comment on areas of interest (i.e. "blogs"). If you choose to comment, I no longer allow "anonymous" commenting so please leave your name on the post. To do this simply provide your name that will be accompanied with the comment. The site uses cookies so you only need to provide your name once and the system will remember who you are thereafter. If you would like to receive emails regarding responses to your comment, you can optionally provide your email address. Note: Your email address is never displayed and is only used by the system to notify you of any relevant updates on your topic.

😀 Enjoy and leave us a comment!