In this Blog, I describe how to handle situations where you feel tired, can't sleep, have a headache, etc...

Can't Sleep? Magnesium - Avacado

If you can't sleep, then you need Magnesium. So eat an Avacado

Low Energy? Iron - Raisins

If you have low energy, then you need Iron. So eat some Raisins.

Feel Weak? Zinc - Eat a Mango

If you feel weak, then you need Zinc. So eat a Mango.

Wake up Tired? Potassium - Coconut Water / Avacado / Banana

If you wake up tired, then you need Potassium. So eat a Banana or Avacado. Better still, hydrate with some coconut water,

Have a Headache? Sodium - Cucumber Juice

If you have headache, then you likely need some fluids and Sodium. So hydrate with some cucumber juice.

Feel Down or Sad? Vitamin D - Sun or Supplement

If you are feeling down or sad, then you need Vitamin D. So get some sunlight or take a vitamin D supplement.

In General there are foods that target certain parts of the body to keep them healthy:

  • Coconut - Brain
  • Avacado - Skin
  • Eggplant / Milk - Bones
  • Carrots - Eyes
  • Peaches - Heart
  • Mushrooms - Metabolism 
  • Grapes - Lungs
  • Onions - Cell Regeneration
  • Ginger - Digestion