In this article, I show how you can add the drivers to capture an external video source on you PC in a window. In my case I have an old EZCAP device ($80 device from China) that allows me to capture live video up to 1080p @ 60 fps (frames per second). By installing the proper drivers, I can demonstrate getting high definition live streamed video running on a PC in a window. The purpose of this is to show you that with less than $100 investment, you can create a live streaming video editing setup - basically creating your own high definition (1080p) TV editing studio! I purposely did this demonstration on a "low end" PC in order to demonstrate that you do not require a higher end PC (gaming box, etc.) with expensive video graphics cards, etc. in order to make high quality videos with live editing.

Video Capture Device - EZCAP 282 1080P - $80

This device can be used in "Standalone" mode - with the video being captured and saved to a USB device plugged into the side of the device by simply pressing the button on the top of the device to start/stop recording, or in "live streaming" mode by plugging the device into a PC via a USB cable/port. In this demo I demonstrate the "live streaming" capture mode on a PC. You will need to add device drivers to your PC in order to render live video in a window on your PC. If you go to the Hauppauge Capture - downloads page - you can grab the video capture drivers for the device. This device is effectively the same chipset as the Hauppauge "PVR Pocket Rocket" and therefore these drivers will work on your PC to render the video (see below for instructions on how to install the drivers).

Once the video is rendered on your PC - you can use applications like OBS (Open Broadcaster Software) Studio to save/edit video, etc.

EZCap in Action

Here is a video if the device streaming from a Kodi Android box onto the PC thru the EZCap 282 after downloading and installing the drivers.

VLC and EZCap 282

Here I am doing some fancy testing of Video Codecs to see if VLC handles the video codec switching for different video sources from around the world on the fly (It did pass the test). I am running both Kodi in a window off the EZCap device while directly streaming live TV channels using VLC and a TV streaming list (i.e. an m3u8 list of TV channels). Both are being rendered on the PC and being recorded in real time using OBS!!

What this video shows is that even with a entry level sized PC you can create a very sophisticated video editing studio. In fact, the PC I did this on is a very compact VESA mounted PC on the back of a monitor (see specs below) - hardly designed to handle heavy graphics loads but is able to handle the live video streaming no problem. So for a very small investment (< $100), you can create a live streaming device with live 1080p capture capability and editing toolset - Basically a full TV editing studio on a small PC!!

Specs for the PC

Here are the specs for the VESA mounted (i.e. bolted onto the back of a monitor) PC. This is effectively a "low end" machine - not designed for video editing, video gaming etc. But it is able to stream, edit video no problem...

Processor - Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 3855U @ 1.60GHz   1.61 GHz
Installed RAM - 8.00 GB
System type - 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor running Windows 10.

EZCap - How to Install Drivers

The following document referenced in the video explains how to install the drivers for the EZCap 282 on Windows.

Here is a video that walks you thru how to install and associate the drivers with the EZCap 282.