In this article I explain how to configure a TS-421 QNAP NAS for smtp email integration so that you can receive Warnings, Errors and/or firmware upgrade notifications. The easiest way to leverage an existing smtp server is to have either a gmail or yahoo account as the QNAP has the default smtp settings for these servers. If you do not want to use a yahoo or gmail email account, you can provide the smtp configuration specifics for the integration.

NAS smtp Integration:

The following short video shows how once you have a gmail or yahoo account how you can leverage a "one time " password in the security panel of your account management panels to enable smtp email integration:

Joomla ( smtp Integration:

Status: Configured for This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to the smtp server

To turn on email capabilities, in the Joomla Site Administration panel you need to go to System - Global Configuration - Servers. In the email section you can configure an smtp server for integration.

Remember to generate a one-time password by going to the security settings in your yahoo account.

CComent and SMTP Errors

There is a reliance on smtp email integration when using ccomment (the ability to leave comments on a page - Article or Blog). CComent attempts to send smtp emails on page loads so if you receive an "SMTP Error" and the webpage cannot be opened, you need to look at this integration to ensure it is working - or remove the ccoment capability from the page.

I started to receive errors on pages loading and discovered that the smtp to my yahoo account was failing. To resolve, I removed the one time App password and established a new one and everything started to work again. Not sure why it failed in the first place.