This is the area for the OPG Retirees get togethers. Occasionally we get some of the OPG Retirees together for a drink and provide updates on what they have been up to. The festivities are typically held at the Duke of York in Toronto

Click to get directions

You can send an individual email by selecting the email address or you can send a note to all the Retirees using the group icon below.

Please send me a note is there are any errors, omissions, etc. with the list and/or whether you want to be removed from the list.

Use this icon to send an email to all Retirees

Here is the current  Active list of OPG Retirees who receive emails regarding upcoming events.

Photos from the CIO - Nuclear Systems days

These are some photos from the early days of the CIO organization - Nuclear Systems led by Andy Chen in the late 1990's and into the 2000's. Included in the phots are folks like - Andy Chen, Janis Kirkley-Delis, Mike Borsch, Jeff Ferguson, Mario Vitti, Paul Joannou, Stan Frost, John Froats, and Drew Barbour (NHSS/Capgemini Account Manager)

Mario Vitti (as Santa) with Jeff Ferguson

All Photos From the 2018 Events

Click here to see the photos

September - 2018

A video summary of the event

December - 2018

A video summary of the event

All Photos From the 2019 Events

Click here to see the photos

June - 2019

A video summary of the event

All Photos From the 2022 Events

Click here to see the photos

December - 2022

After several years of delays due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the OPG retirees got together again at the Duke of York to catch up on their activities.

A video summary of the event



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