In 2022 the Beerhunters attended the 40th annual Florida Palms Tournament staying at the Postcard Inn in St. Pete's Beach. You will notice that the logo below states 2022 - but our shirts say 2020 as the tournament was delayed 2 years due to the Covid Pandemic.

Restricted - All Photos from the Event

You will need to validate your PWD to view all the photos from this event. If you have a password you can click below.

Click here to see the photos

Trip Summary

Sunday was the travel day and it was not without some challenges. Firstly, it was the first tournament post-COVID so lineups and logistics at the airports, car rental agencies, etc. caused for many delays. Unfortunately, one person knows this far too much as Tom Martin was very ambitious and was attempting to travel from Nova Scotia to Toronto and then catch a connector flight from Toronto to Tampa. Needless to say, his first flight was delayed and he ended up missing his connector and spending an entire day traveling by trains, planes and automobiles across the United States to get to the Postcard! For his troubles Westjet provided him with $15 food vouchers.... what a trouper...

Departing from Pearson:

Arriving in Tampa:

Welcome party Sunday Evening:

Sharing Photos - Using QuMagie

 NOTE: QuMagie replaced Qphoto. If you previously used and/or installed QPhoto, you can delete it and use QuMagie (effective Aug 2023).

You will now see "Click Here" links where you can view and downloads including the download of photos of events. You may be required to 'validate' a password to access photos so you can contact me and I will provide you with the required password. You also can now contribute to these photos. In order to post photos on the website and because these can be quite large - we will need to share the photos using a special app on your phone called "QuMagie". These photos will automatically be linked to the website.

For this event the "Folder" where you upload your photos/videos is called "2022 - Beerhunters - Florida Palms...".  So save your files to "Shared Photos/Hockey/Beerhnters/2022 - Beerhunters - Florida Palms"

Details on How to Load QuMagie onto Phone

How To? - View Photos and Install "QuMagie" App on Iphone or Android Phone to Post Photos



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