The Sunday Knights are a group of friends who have been playing pickup hockey since the mid 1980's competing in the White versus Gold weekly challenge! Currently the games are being played at UCC Arena on Sunday nights from 9 - 10p.m.

2022 - 2023 Season

After a significant shutdown due to COVID-19 the Sunday Knights are back in business!

In November of 2022, unfortunately our Commissioner Bob Latimer had a health issue that kept him sidelined on the DL.

In the meantime, I will be managing day-to-day activities until he is back on his feet....

Jamie Forgets his elbow pads - time to improvise. I take it back - maybe Ian does have talent !!

Every Christmas we hold a Holiday party. This year we are going to the Red Lantern Bar on Merton...

The Red Lantern Annual Xmas Party (click to get directions)

The annual holiday party was well attended and was held at the Red Lantern Pub on Merton street. Special thanks to Elyse for staying late after her shift and keeping the bar open to accommodate us!

Here is a summary of the evening:

2022 - 2023 - Roster

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Additional Players

2018 - 2019 Season

The Wallace Tavern:

2017 - 2018 Season

2007 Season - Last Skate at Old UCC Arena

In 2007 the historic UCC area was scheduled for demolition. Here are photos and a video of the last skate at the arena (Mar 20, 2007).

2000 - 2001 Season

Historical Statistics

Starting in 2013, Bob started to track game statistics.







Sunday-Knights-Stats-2019-2020 (Covid shortened season)

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