Gymshark Athletic Wear Instagram Ad


Gymshark Athletic Wear Instagram Ad


November 2023


Presented in Seneca College copywriting class (CAB 352) to professor and classmates.


Tanner Borsch - Account Manager and Copywriter
Jeff Sun - Art Director and Copywriter


Received a grade of 87% for delivering on the creative brief and presenting the campaign in a compelling way.



This was an assignment for a copywriting class designed to enable students to learn about social media advertising and specifically what works and what doesn't. From there, students were required to create a compelling ad campaign for a product synergistic with the social media platform, and pitch it to the class and professor.

The Challenge

There were four distinct requirements to approaching the problem. Firstly, our task was the gain a deep understanding of a specific social media platform, including its defining features and primary audience. Secondly, we were required to conduct research and analysis to dive deeply into our platform's successful advertisers, decoding the elements that drove their success. Thirdly, the task was to create excellent creative using compelling imagery coupled with impactful ad copy. Finally, we were required to present our work to the class and professor, defending our choices and rationale in a pitch format.

The Solution

Our target audience for our product Gymshark Athletic Wear were males and females aged 18-34 years old who are fitness buffs and gym goers. Their lives revolve around fitness, fashion, and music, and they feel a sense of community with others engaged in fitness and health. We identified Instagram as a key social media platform to reach this audience in part because 53% of Canadian Instagram users are between 18-34 years old, and Instagram ads are non-intrusive and less likely to annoy our audience. Also, the engagement rate on Instagram is higher than any other social media platform.

The Creative

We designed a simple yet compelling ad that showcased the Gymshark product with a hero visual and appealed to our target audience with a call to action. We kept the ad copy succinct and consistent with the brand's equity, using our own copy of "Sweat With Elegance".

Instagram Ad